Command prompt commands for networking
Command prompt commands for networking

interval: Re-display the selected statistics, pausing after a specific "interval" (in seconds) between each display.By default, statistics on TCP, UDP and IP are displayed, the -p option can be used to specify a subset. -r Displays the contents of the routing table.Used with the -s option to display per-protocol statistics, proto may be TCP, UDP or IP. -p proto Shows connections for the protocol specified by proto, proto may be TCP or UDP.-n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.

command prompt commands for networking

  • -a Displays all connections and listening ports (server-side connections are normally inhibited).
  • NETSTAT: Displays the status of the TCP/IP stack on the local machine NETSTAT
  • /registerdns: Refreshes all DHCP leases and re-registers DNS names.
  • The DNS Client service uses this information to quickly resolve frequently queried names, before querying the configured DNS servers.
  • /displaydns: Displays the DNS client resolver cache, which includes entries preloaded from the local host file and any recently obtained records for name queries resolved by the host computer.
  • This option is useful to exclude negative entries and all other entries added dynamically to the cache.
  • /flushdns: Empty and reset the DNS client resolver cache.
  • This parameter disables TCP/IP for network cards configured to automatically obtain an IP address.
  • /release : Sends a DHCPRELEASE message to the DHCP server to release the current DHCP configuration and cancel the IP address configuration for all adapters (if adapter is not specified) or a specific adapter indicated by the parameter.
  • /renew : Renews DHCP configuration for all adapters (if adapter is not specified) or a specific adapter indicated by the parameter.
  • /all: Displays all network configuration, including DNS, WINS, DHCP servers, etc.
  • This command, when executed with no options, displays the current IP address, the subnet mask and default gateway (network interfaces of the local machine) IPCONFIG: Displays or refresh the TCP/IP configuration ipconfig /all ] ] /flushdns /displaydns /registerdns This command is useful if the ping command does return any data, to determine at what level the connection failed.

    command prompt commands for networking

    TRACERT: Displays all intermediate IP addresses through which a packet passes through, between the local machine and the specified IP address. This command is also useful to generate network load by specifying the size of the packet with the -l option and the packet size in bytes. If you specify the -t option you can always get statistics without interrupting pings by pressing Ctrl + Break The -t option to ping continuously until Ctrl-C is pressed. PING: Test the network connection with a remote IP address ping-t

    Command prompt commands for networking