Mankitsu happening 4 cover art
Mankitsu happening 4 cover artmankitsu happening 4 cover art

Tyler mimics Chola / Chonga girls in Miami (a proxy-based communication etiquette) Tyler takes confessions (3 rd grader / middle school girls and boys reference) Tyler tells people things for committee members (re-visit that project where Tyler does things that committee members can’t do.) The “power of the proxy” is related to the structure of the committee. What if Tyler wrote letters to people for us Tyler could draw blind contours, and we could forbid him to look at them for some set amount of time. Museum audio update: Tyler will record audio tracks this week while he is in NYC.Ī. Viewing of the paintings: We viewed 5 paintings.Ģ. Some committee members don’t like carrot cake. Annie will start an email chain to write that haiku-prophesy.Ĭelebration: Chase is officially a member of the Committee! We would appreciate a carrot cake to assist in this celebration. (It’s a neat return to an old medium, since the paintings cover digital prints.) So he’ll bring her the paintings, along with the prophesying thumb drive. How do you submit a painting to a photo show? You have it photographed. Nancy and Paintings: Tyler will submit the paintings to the photo show. The titles of the paintings will be the rules Tyler followed as he painted them. The South End? People’s windows? A bathroom at a bar? Some place that’s very high up? And we don’t want the paintings taken away. Paintings: Should we have a guerrilla pop-up gallery some place? Some semi-public place? Where we aren’t allowed to hang paintings? But we can’t imagine where. There might be a window floating around the MHB studios somewhere. And then the fulfillment of the prophecy will be a gifted window. The prophecy will talk about how Nancy’s office has no window. It could have three files whose titles form three lines of a haiku? Nancy wouldn’t snoop. Or it could have files already loaded onto it.

mankitsu happening 4 cover art

Every page of the book could be the same? Or the memory device could be the message-bearer: A thumb drive could have writing on it. A book to scan? Somewhere within the book would be her message. She grew up in rural New Hampshire, we think. – For Nancy from Visual Resources – Her office was recently moved to the basement. Should we create a public interruption that is secretly) dedicated to her? Or a private intervention that only she witnesses? (People might pay an act of kindness forward.) Tyler could deliver her prophecy as an announcement at a General Assembly. She can hear street noises from her desk. We might be able to find her office on a Thursday. – For Patty from Occupy – Patty likes 70s music. Courtney will post a call to musicians on the internet. In the atrium, where other people might hear it, too. – For Marilyn – We could hire a student artist from the Boston Conservatory website? Or post on the ProArts Connect site. We could offer to barter our skills for theirs (art/design work for singing.) (We could make them business cards, for example.) (The singer could get a booth at Courtney and Rob’s science fair.) Marilyn’s operatic serenade should be sung in the morning.

mankitsu happening 4 cover art

Dave’s prophecy will be delivered at school, and then it will be fulfilled while he is behind his counter at his liquor store. Maybe we will let the Skype-mediated Michael Dean encounter go – what with the long distance communication and borrowed technology, there’s too much that might go wrong. – For Dave – Dave doesn’t like being hit on. Even if the person didn’t see the announcement, their friends would let them know. Maybe rhymes are memorable? Or are these random acts of kindness designed to be purely good? We could deliver someone’s prophecy by submitting it to be posted for a few days on the Atrium TV. Prophet Experiments: We discussed some ethical implications of the project: Are we executing a sort of vigilante justice? Should the language of the prophecies be straightforward, or open-ended? This decision might be dependent upon the technique we choose for delivering each prophecy.

Mankitsu happening 4 cover art